Can You Ride Roller Coaster 3 Weeks Pregnant

  • #2

When my husband and I went to disney in October, we had been trying to get pregnant and after comming home from disney we found out that i was pregnant, meaning i concieved the week before we got to disney, while there I did RNRC, TOT, space mountain and all other thrill rides, and I drank 4 or 5 drinks, not knowing I was just barly pregnant, had I known I was pregnany I would have avoided all of the above, but now being about 2 weeks away from giving birth, nothing i went on or drank seems to have afected my pregnancy.

  • #4

The first trimester is the trickiest. I would take it easy just to be safe. Good luck.

  • #5

If you are planning on getting pregnant I would avoid all rides with restrictions (and the adult beverages), just in case. The rides will be there later and most will be more fun when enjoyed through the eyes of your child.

  • #6

I agree with the previous posters. I'd play it safe and avoid any rides with warnings.

I might add that we did go on vacation when I was 13 weeks pregnant. We did a 28 hour round trip drive to Williamsburg & Virginia Beach. The only problems I experienced were leg aches from the long ride, and I couldn't stand the 90 degree heat. Plus while touring Monticello, I almost passed out. The tour guide wouldn't let me sit down or even lean on a wall. We got back to the van and turned the air on full blast. I had some bleeding so I put my feet up and tried not to panic. It ended up that I was fine and we had a healthy baby boy. This was just what I experienced. I'm sure plenty of gals have uneventful pregnant vacations.

Just take your time, keep cool & hydrated, and enjoy your vacation! Much luck to you.



The Tooth Fairy had a message here before.

  • #9

If you test before you go and its negative, I'd say just do things as you normally would(minus the alcohol). If you get a positive, I'd ask your doctor, who will probably tell you to restrict. I went to Boston and Montreal 2 summers ago with DH. I had a negative test, but still I avoided alcohol just in case. Well, I got back, had a blood test and I was 6 weeks pregant. Also, if you are 6-7 weeks pregant, you're not going to feel like going on any thrill rides.



<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=purple>

  • #11

I would speack to an OB. If you know for a fact that you're pregnant at that time, I would avoid all with restrictions because the 1st trimester is when you're at highest risk of miscarriage. I don't ride roller coaster etc. so that wasn't an issue but when we went to WDW in Oct 2004, we did come back with a "little souvenir", I did have a few drinks while there - not knowing and everything is fine.

  • #12

Another to agree not to take any chances. Like all4fun, we had a tiny premature baby and I aways wondered if there was "anything" I did wrong. Not worth the worry. If rides are important I would try to time your pregnacy for after the trip. Testing is good but both times I was expecting I had negative test results from home test. Sounds like you were just trying to be extra careful in case you did not know you were pregnant yet. You will make a great mom!!!!!

Good luck!!!!!!

Jordan's mom

  • #14

I would agree, if you test negative the day you leave then I would say go for it!!!! However, if it is positive I would be more careful.

Most of all I wanted to say good luck TTC!!



<font color=orange>I'm having an identity crisis<b

  • #15

I thought the ride restrictions were for the following:

1. Danger for large belly, rides were not designed for this body shape

2. High Blood Pressure, which is common in late pregnancy

3. Motion Sickness, which is really fun :thumbsup2 combined with morning sickness

I may be wrong about that, but I don't think it would be a problem with a HEALTHY "newly pregnant" person. Note that healthy is all caps. If you have any pre-existing conditions, I wouldn't.

I've had three kids. Two were surprises. I did tons of stuff before I knew I was pregnant with them. They turned out fine.

  • #16

I would skip mission space--but other than that, I would be inclined to ride any other rides I usually do.

I use the "expectant mothers" guidelines for when I am actually showing and something could happen to make me have pre-term labor. But other than have a little iddy biddy in the worlds greatest shock absorber--and if athletes can continue being athletes in early pregnancy, I can certainly go splash about on splash mountain.

(I say avoid mission space--b/c I have a tendancy towards morning sickness and wouldn't need a G-force drive to encourage that).

  • #17

scraptoons said:

I thought the ride restrictions were for the following:

1. Danger for large belly, rides were not designed for this body shape

2. High Blood Pressure, which is common in late pregnancy

3. Motion Sickness, which is really fun :thumbsup2 combined with morning sickness

I may be wrong about that, but I don't think it would be a problem with a HEALTHY "newly pregnant" person. Note that healthy is all caps. If you have any pre-existing conditions, I wouldn't.

I've had three kids. Two were surprises. I did tons of stuff before I knew I was pregnant with them. They turned out fine.

This is what I thought--the warning is for expectant mothers...which I interpret as you do.

ETA: I think the entire pregnancy thing is just a CYA tactic by theme parks in general.

  • #18

My advice is to talk to your doctor and take his/her advice over what you read on a message board or sign at WDW. A preconception visit to an OB/GYN is always a good idea anyway just to get the all clear medically speaking etc. you could ask then. I just returned from a trip at 16 weeks. Before we left, I had a doctors appointment and asked then. My doctor had been with her kids less than a year before and her advice was that at this point, baby is small and well protected. She told me no to Mission Space, Rock'n Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror. Other than that, I had the all clear to ride anything I felt comfortable riding as long as the ride restraint (lap bar/harness etc) fit as it was intended with my tummy (this is baby #3 and I was already decidedly showing). I would have considered Everest a no-go for myself b/c my doctor had not had a chance to ride that herself so just to be safe I would have stayed off, as it was we didn't go to AK so it didn't matter. I mentioned we were thinking of going in September when I'd be 32 weeks and she said then I need to follow the warning signs because the restraints will be affected and then baby is not so well protected anymore. The big warning she gave me had nothing to do with rides but just to be sure and drink TONS of water b/c of the heat and the walking; that if I waited till I was thirsty, it was too late as my body was already starting to dehydrate.

The only things that I know for sure had pregnancy warnings that I rode were Splash and Thunder. I rode Thunder a total of 5 times on the trip. Twice in a row one day and 3 times in a row (without getting off too! Ride during the fireworks!) the next time. I had a doctors appointment 2 days after we got back and baby sounded great. Had an ultrasound 5 days after we got back and baby is 100% A-OK.

My older 2 were infertility treatment babies. This one was not so much a surprise as a total shock since we didn't think a surprise was possible for us. When trying for our other 2, I remember going to Six Flags and asking the Reproductive Endocrinologist about what it was safe to do and her answer was "anything you want to do." Before you know you are pregnant, you aren't going to do anything to jeaprodize baby at all (not counting recreational drugs of course but rides at a theme park or a glass of wine are going to be fine).

Talk to your doctor and follow his or her advice. You'll fell most comfortable that way knowing you got the all clear or the stay away orders from your doctor. ;)



No take backs, bowing out or other weenie manuever

  • #19

Don't drink any adult beverages, though you should already be abstaining from these if you are trying to concieve. As another poster mentioned, the rides are not a problem if you are only a week or three along! Double check with your OB prior to your trip and make sure you remember to take your prenatal vitamins, Good Luck! :teeth:

  • #20

Hi there. First off, Congradulations on your expected pregnancy. DH and I actually found out we were pregnant the last day we were at Disney about 5 years ago. Come to find out we were 6 weeks pregnant and we had no clue. I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone's situation is different, but personally we were at Universal for 2 days riding every crazy ride there was and then at Disney for 7 riding more crazy rides and I had a beautiful, very smart baby girl. I would think you would be fine. Maybe you could ask your OB if it would make you feel better.

Can You Ride Roller Coaster 3 Weeks Pregnant


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